
Sunday, November 15, 2015

firefox: Enable tracking protection for normal session

Firefox 42 includes very interesting feature - Tracking protection. By default it is active only in the Private mode. When the Firefox team presented a new video that described the usage of the Memory tab in the Developer toolbar, they show that the CNN website normally consumes about 40 Mb of memory and with Tracking protection on it consumes about 10 Mb. If you want to enable this feature not only for the private sessions, but also for the normal sessions, you can do that by typing about:config in the address bar and changing the value of the privacy.trackingprotection.enabled to true: There is also a really interesting setting privacy.trackingprotection.updateURL, which means, that, I believe, you can host your own tracking protection list (See shavar project, blocking list format is here). When Tracking protection has blocked some resources, it shows a shield icon near the address bar. If you open the Developer console (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+K) you can see what resources were blocked: Together with AdBlock extension it could be a nice way to improve your browsing expierence.

Change colours in byobu

Colour settings file for the byobu located in the folder ~/.byoubu, if you use tmux, it will be color.tmux:
BYOBU_ACCENT - is the colour of the window delimiter; BYOBU_HIGHLIGHT - is the colour of the current highlighted window; MONOCHROME - background colour of the window title in the bottom panel;

fedora: Automatically start application during the boot

To start an application automatically in fedora, you need to create a *.desktop file in the directory ~/.config/autostart, for example:
gedit ~/.config/autostart/flux.desktop
The content of the file can be something like:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/home/jsn/app/xflux -l 52.3837151 -g 4.8806328

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

fedora: How to add user to sudoers

You can add user to the sudoers with command:
usermod username -a -G wheel
Log out is required.